Founder Chairman Dr. Milind Kamble visited Jodhpur on 30 September 2022. He was received by DICCI team members from Jodhpur district led by the Mr. Champalal Chitara. Dr. Kamble was honoured by attiring the traditional Rajasthani Safa. Dr. Kamble briefed the teamed of the recent development of engagement with the Rajasthan Government and the significance of the Incubation-cum-Training Centre being set up jointly with CII. He highlighted the role of district level DICCI teams in strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem, towards achieving the goal of developing business leadership in SC-ST communities. He outlined the roadmap of activities to be taken up by the district team.

The meeting was also graced by Dr. Ram Goyal who expressed his appreciation for the DICCI developments in the State of Rajasthan. The DICCI team members present were, Dr. Yash Goda and Mr. Shailendra Khatri, with 38 members.

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